Thursday, October 31, 2019

Get a grip, Minnesota, about our skeeters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Get a grip, Minnesota, about our skeeters - Essay Example She points out that, while West Nile and other mosquito-spread diseases are serious, the number of cases are nowhere near enough to warrant spending as much as is being spent by Minnesota. After all, flu cases kill far more a year yet we don't do much public-policy-wise except vaccinate. People die from bee stings or car chases far more often, but Minnesota hasn't spent time on bee control or better traffic safety. She doesn't make this argument, but there is also an obvious ecological concern. Pesticides don't just pollute water and threaten to poison people: They also kill all sorts of other animals. And killing a part of the ecosystem always has ramifications. Mosquitos pollinate grasses and act as predators and as prey: Killing them or, worse, poisoning them, can cause cascading effects that harms birds, frogs, etc. The fact that it's a local article means that it's important to bear in mind that Helgen is arguing specifically about Minnesota. Maybe Latin Americans should spend m oney on controlling mosquitoes; Helgen's arguments don't apply there. But her position does clearly apply to the situation of the Minnesota tax payer.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Great Expectations Essay Example for Free

Great Expectations Essay How does Charles Dickens create effective images of people and places in chapters 1 and 8 of Great Expectations? Great Expectations is a novel that is recognised as a classic. This particular Charles Dickens enchanting tale is based on the life of a young boy in the Victorian times named Pip. He is both the main character and narrator of the novel. In the chapters one and eight we meet Pip as well as his older sister and his sisters husband Joe. We also meet Magwitch an escaped convict. These characters are representing the lower class of the Victorian society. I believe this novel is about the fact lower class people may find it harder to push boundaries and achieve big thing. Dickens, I think, is trying to show just how wrong this is that people with lower social status are expected to stay lower class. Other Characters we meet in the novel are Estella the beautiful young adopted daughter of Mrs Havisham an eccentric, and possibly a quite mad but importantly rich old woman. I think it is no coincidence that Dickens shows these two upper class figures to be bitter and not accepting and at times quite stubborn. This highlights the idea that Victorian society is socially rigid. It is not based on who or what you are but instead about your heritage and your riches. Dickens uses this novel to demonstrate that people lower class are more than capable to easily slot into the life of riches and perhaps too easily. So the opening chapter starts with Pip he is in the process of analysing his parents and brothers gravestones in desperation for any knowledge of his heritage. This sense of desperation allows the readers to feel pity towards Pip. This is a great example of how effortlessly Dickens is able to control the emotions of his audience. Also the fact pip was visiting the grave alone may show how lonely Pip is without his parents and he may almost feel anger towards them for abandoning him with his rather unfeeling and regiment sister. She was often inclined to beat him regularly. Dickens starts by describing the graveyard as a dark flat wilderness. This allows the reader to point an image of a quite scary desolate place and perhaps quite intimidating. Dickens then quickly moves on to describe Pip as a small bundle of shivers. This again allows the reader to point an image but this time of a minute vulnerable child possibly quite haunted at the situation. This contrast seems to exaggerate the timid Pip allows the feelings of sorrow towards him to increase. Dickens then introduces us to quite threatening Magwitch who opening words were Keep still, you little devil or Ill cut your throat. This instantly makes the reader assume he is dangerous and threatening. As Pip explains he had a great iron on his leg it becomes quite clear he is a convict. This begins to make reader worry for Pip because we are not enlightened as to why he is a criminal. As Magwitch threatens Pip he takes it extremely seriously this helps to enhance three important characteristics of Pip the first that he is extremely scared shows he is very vulnerable and the second is the fact that he replies sir shows he has been brought up with manners. This again contradicts negative views of lower class people in Victorian times. Also the fact he worked out this man could possibly be dangerous showed Pip to be sharp and quick to react. Certain phrases like Who dye live with makes it clear that Magwitch is from a lower class background. Although after this negativity the reader cannot help but feel pity towards Magwitch and this because you can imagine how difficult it must have been. Dickens shows this in such lines as A man with no hat, and broken shoes. This is Dickens demonstrating his use of description to encourage emotions and reactions. The first chapter is set in a desolate church yard near the marsh land. Dickens descriptions such as This bleak place overgrown and raw afternoon towards evening contribute to the ever growing dark and oppressive atmosphere. This kind of description also help to redeem the understandably scared Pip but they almost make him seem more pathetic and helpless. If for example Dickens had decided to set the scene in a pleasant grave yard on a sunny day it would withdraw the sense of suspense amongst readers. Satis house is introduced to us in chapter 8 as well as the characters Estella and Mrs Havisham. Estella explains to Pip that Satis means enough this was because the designer of the house assumed whoever had this house would be satisfied and need nothing more. This extra information seems to contrast the first impression given to be by Pip where he is describing it as old brick and dismal. This allows the reader to ask questions about why such a great house now appears to be in ruins. The description of Satis house continues in this manner. He also mentions windows were barred and cemented. This makes the house seem daunting. Dickens also makes you acknowledge the houses former glory by saying there were no pigeons in the dove cot, no horses in the stable, no pigs in the sty, no mat in the stone house, no smells of grains and beer in the copper vat. However this line also illustrates how far from it is former glory. This leaves the reader to assume the owner has given up.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Administrative Or Conventional And Critical Research Media Essay

Administrative Or Conventional And Critical Research Media Essay The field of mass communications is relatively new and is both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in nature. It is therefore not surprising that the approach to mass communications research will be mixed. This essay attempts to look at the issues which gave rise to research theories and distinguish between the terms administrative or conventional and critical research. It will discuss and contrast the similarities of both types of research while evaluating the usefulness and relevance of both approaches and what it meant for the development of the media. Finally, it will look at the different traditions of media research and explain how they manifest either conventional or critical characteristics. The history of mass communications research is a short one. In the 1940s, when communication and media studies came about in the United States of America (USA), research focused on the needs of an expanding society, including the positioning of political and economic interests which (was based on the critical pragmatism) and sociology of the Chicago School (Hardt, 1992, p. 9). However, Wilbur Schramm suggested that communications research was quantitative, rather than speculative and argued that its practitioners such as Lazarsfeld, Lewin, Laswell and Hovland (who were identified as the founding fathers of communications research in the USA) were deeply interested in theory, but in the theory they can test (Hardt, 1992, p. 11). His view ignored the history of concerns about communication and culture that had characterized the Chicago School (Hardt, 1992, p.10). Schramm insisted that they were behavioural researchers and as such interests in the wider social and cultural aspects of media and communication were left unaddressed. Schramms interest was journalistic rather than scientific and communications research is the USA served the system at the time instead of challenging it because of the influence by media and commercial interests. Hardt (1992) concluded that in the USA: Mainstream communication and media research had failed to address critical developments from within and without its boundaries. It had remained within specific categories of interests, reflected in an academic specialization in the study of communication that was interdisciplinary by its commitment to a behavioural science orientation, but without any significant or successful attempt to break out of its modiac circle (p. 19). In Great Britain, media research did not begin until the early 1960s. Halloran noted that a more critical, holistic approach emerged where the approach to research was more disciplined and systematic and focused on media as institutions and communication as a social process. The first review of the field was conducted in Great Britain and published in 1963 (Halloran 1963) and referred to few research exercises which concentrated on media effects which looked at the impact of media on attitudes and behaviour of individuals. Even though a number of studies have been conducted in the field of mass communications, researchers have not been able to gather enough information because of the way research has been defined, initiated, supported and organized, (Halloran,1981, p. 9). He adds that in addition to having limited information, it is also unfair and biased. He emphasized: Research is not initiated, organized, executed or applied in a social/political vacuum. Appreciation of the nature of research and its application calls for an understanding of the historical, economic, political, organizational, disciplinary, professional and personal factors which impinge on the research process in so many ways (p. 33). Halloran (1981) defined conventional research as having value-free, positivistic, empiricist, behaviouristic, psychological emphasis (p.34). He noted that earlier media research conformed to the dominant paradigm at the time and responded to the requirements of modern, industrial, urban society for empirical, quantitative, policy related information about its operations (p.37). Research was basically carried out to improve the effectiveness of the media and assist media entities in achieving its aims and objectives. This type of research used quantitative methods such as surveys, and field experiments (Boyd-Barret, 1995, p. 69) while critical media research was concerned with obtaining data that could easily reproduced (reliable data) through scientific testing as opposed to data that was valid. It was more holistic in approach and was viewed as being service orientated. Critical research was criticised because it was viewed as alternative research which did not support the status quo at the time as most media entities supported administrative research. It challenged the long held values of media establishments and provided the first real challenge to media entities. In this regard, most media organisations viewed critical research as being not scientific, qualitative and having a political agenda. Halloran (1981) points to three main characteristics that differentiate critical research from conventional research and which would have been ignored by the latter. Firstly, he said communication is treated as a social process. While administrative research was described as being media centric and pro -media critical research looked at the institution behind media and those affected by the media. This suggested that administrative research was more occupied by the efficient and effective operation of the media at the expense of other issues such as refining concepts, development of theories and the whole notion of social change. In contrast, critical research is what Halloran called society centric and to this end it addressed issues of public concern and focused on how media addressed these societal or public concerns. One of the striking features is that it looks at the medias role in promoting the democratic process and social reproduction (Boyd-Barret, 1995, p. 188). It also examines the inverse effect of the communications process i.e how social factors affect communication and media operations. One such example is the research of Racism and Mass Media (Hartmann and Husband, 1974) which examined the role of media with regard to racial prejudice. A good example that amply demonstrates both the weaknesses of the administrative approach and the broader, more realistic perspectives of the sociological or critical approach, is to be found in research which has attempted to deal with the alleged media/violence relationship (Halloran, 1995, p. 26). Secondly, media institutions are studied in relation to other institutions and within the wider social context. Critical research examines the whole system rather than just mere individuals which was the focus of administrative research, its unit of measure was society as opposed to the individual and research was not conducted in a vacuum. Critical researchers look at issues of ownership, control and technology. By contrast, administrative research focused on fine tuning media methods to facilitate specific institutional aims and goals. In so doing, it ignored certain factors that affected the communications process as well as what the media produced. The third characteristic, as described by Halloran, is that critical research addressed issues associated with structure, organization, professionalism and participation. Its more independent of institutions, policy and problem orientated and research enquiries are conducted externally with the aim of forming policies. Unlike administrative research, critical research is less likely to be of a social or administrative character and does not stroke the egos of media managers and owners by researching their issues or by accepting their definitions of media problems. Critical research challenged their (administrative) ideologies and attempted to provide alternative research forms to the field. Critical research and its researchers became very unpopular and were viewed with suspicion because it was hoped at the time, that research would support the status quo and the system. The dominant paradigm at the time would have viewed critical theorists as not supporting the status quo. Additionally, critical research was starved for funding while administrative research was financed by the institutions that commissioned the research and as such the results were predetermined. In attempt to make mass communications research scientific, administrative researchers pushed the study of mass communications into positivism and empiricism. Earlier, the entire study of mass communication assumed that mass media have a total and immediate effect and thought audiences to be passive. Early effects studies were preoccupied by persuasion and studies were grounded in psychology, more specifically referred to psychoanalysis and stimulus response and emerged primarily in the USA (Newbold, 1995). The development of the media effects tradition started in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when many social upheavals were being experienced by many countries and the media was viewed to be engaged in social control by moulding behaviour in line with the will of those who controlled the media (Newbold, 1995, p. 7). Then, the content of media was viewed as having direct effects on individuals who relied on the mass media as their only source of information about the world. Newbold (1995) notes that this gave rise to the hypodermic needle theory or magic bullet theory which implied that mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on their audiences (Hypodermic needle model, Wikipedia). The Payne Studies of 1928 were the first major empirical studies to establish effects. Carried out in the USA, these studies looked at how motion pictures impacted children. The findings of the studies indicated that while films provided blue prints for living the effects of these films were not anti-social. Newbold (1995) stated that Cantrils study was among the first to question the magic bullet model and involve social and cultural factors in its analysis. Much criticism of effects studies focused on the media centric approach of researchers and the individualistic approach of the research, thereby being administrative in nature. Researchers were viewed as taking an approach which was purely interested in the direct relationship between the medium and its audience, failing to take into account the social and cultural influences of audiences which might also help shape their views (Newbold, 1995, p. 12). In this regard, social and audience interpretations were seldom taken into account. The Peoples Choice Study, conducted by Lazarsfeld et al and which sought to reveal the importance of interpersonal ties in the mass communications process (two step flow) was heavily criticised by Mills (1959) who described the approach taken in the study as abstracted empiricism because it was viewed as a study of voting in American politics and not necessarily the substance of opinion or dynamics. Newbold (1995) explained that: By abstracted empiricism, Mills is referring to the prevailing high value ascribed to statistical data derived from sampling procedures and interviews data upon which assumptions are made, and the relations between them established. He argued that quantification was pursued for its own sake, and at the expense of other major important issues for which quantifiable data might be difficult to obtain (p. 18). This in itself meant that the research displayed administrative characteristics which was media centric in nature and conducted in a vacuum without any social considerations. Newbold (1995) adds that while abstracted empiricism still appears to be a characteristic of this style of research, the two-step flow is still one of the most important developments in effects tradition because of its sociological orientation and shifting focus from the individual to the primary group thereby making the social context difficult to ignore. Following on from media effects, another tradition in mass communications research which is similar in focus but opposed to its perspectives is the political economy tradition. The political economy tradition searches for answers to the question of power of the media in the analysis of their structures of ownership and control. Mosco (2004) offered two definitions of political economy. Firstly, he described political economy as the study of the social relations, particularly the power relations that mutually constitute the production, distribution and consumption of resources, including communication resources (p. 6). This definition he explained focuses on how the communication business operates. A more general and ambitious definition of political economy is the study of control and survival in social life (Mosco, 2004, p.7). By these definitions, Mosco points to the fact that media institutions are both economic and political in nature. Adopting a fundamentalist Marxist approach, studies of this tradition have been based on the assumption that the dynamics of culture producing industries can be understood primarily in terms of their economic determination (Murdock and Golding, 1977, p. 37, cited in Bussaba, 2008, p. 24), thus the contents of the media and the meaning carried by their messages are determined by the economic base of the organization in which they are produced. Political economy is also characterized by an interest in examining the social whole or the totality of social relations that make up the economic, political, social and cultural areas of life (Mosco, 1995, p. 6) which included moral implications with an interest in social intervention to change society. Mosco (2004) indicates: Traditionally, the political economy of communication studied the major business firms responsible for producing and distributing mass media and the government agencies responsible for regulating and making communication policy. It focused on the power of media companies, demonstrated in the trend towards media concentration, and on how they use this power to influence media content (p. 28). With the aim to broaden the perspective in political economy, recent work addressed major processes such as commodification, spatialization and structuration. These process looked at making communications a market commodity; addressing the growth and spread of media institutions (especially the simplification by governments to do this by developing pro business regulation and policies; media production and access influenced by social, class, gender and race (Mosco, 2004). The precise mechanisms and processes whereby ownership of the media or control of their economics is translated into the message are complex and often problematic. The workings of the control are not easy to demonstrate or easy to explain empirically. The evidence is often circumstantial and is derived from the ideology implicit in the message and the interests of those in control. Mosco (2004) added that cultural studies and policy science are disciplines on the boundaries of political economy (p. 26). The broad based intellectual movement of the cultural studies approach which focuses on the constitution of meaning in texts and defined broadly to include all forms of social communication can contribute to the process of renewing political economy in several ways (Storey, 2003, p. 15, cited in Mosco, 2004, p. 26). Additionally, Mosco (2004) highlighted how cultural studies contributed to a broad based critique of positivism and has defended a more open philosophical approach that concentrates on subjectivity or on how people interpret their world, as well as the social creation of knowledge (p. 26). However, political economy can also contribute to rethinking cultural studies since it insists on epistemology that maintains the value of historical research, of thinking in terms of social totalities, with a well grounded moral philosophy and a commitment to overcome the distinction between social research and social practice (Mosco, 2004, p. 26). British cultural studies arose in the late 1950s and early 1960s with the Marxist informed work of Raymond Williams, Richard Hoggart and Edward Thompson who were all interested in political questions of class culture, democracy and socialism as it related to working class cultures in the UK. Williams work contributed significantly to the development of cultural studies as he attempted the study of relationships between elements in a whole way of life (Williams, 1965, p. 334). In 1964, Hoggart together with Stuart Hall established the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) which analysed mass media and popular culture and while many researchers did not share Hoggarts view of mass culture and cultural decline they did adopt some culturalist methodologies studying cultural texts and practices including media texts and practices (Gough-Yates, 2007). Structuralist methods allowed cultural studies to explore the rules and practices of culture, including media culture, and to ask how culture might generate the missing (Gough-Yates, 2007, p. 33). Ferdinand de Saussure and Roland Barthes while credited with making significant contributions to structuralism were also criticised for the structuralist assumption that signs can have stable, denotive meanings. Althussers concepts have also contributed to the development of cultural studies by pushing cultural studies to more analysis of popular culture and its role in fixing and containing identities away from the Frankfurt school style focus of the media. The Althusserian approach, because of its view of media products as closed texts that imprison their audiences and denies them any agency in their lives was challenged (Gough- Yates, 2007, p. 20). Gramscis model of hegemony argued that the consumption of poplar and media culture can be empowering as a refusal of subordination or form of resistance to dominant ways of being and doing (Gough-Yates, 2007, p. 32) and it helped scholars to address some of the criticisms of the Althusserians perspectives. Poststructuralists approaches also informed cultural studies and drew more attention to audiences rather than texts because of its approaches to cultural construction of meaning and their power relationships as it related to society and the domination of groups (based on gender, class, sexuality etc). As such, cultural studies shared some of its political interests with feminism and was challenged by feminists theory and politics which argued that cultural studies marginalized feminist issues and concerns (Schiach, 1994). This was evidenced in the CCCS Womens Studies Group (1978) publication Women Take Issue where feminist researchers encountered considerable difficulties in working around definitions of culture and theoretical perspectives that excluded and marginalized women, (Gough-Yates, 2007, p. 28). Post modern theory which has engaged cultural studies since the 1980s has broken down the traditional boundaries between culture and art, high and low culture, and art and the comme rcial which reflects the cultural, economic and technological change of society. Cultural studies especially new audience research offers the study of mass communications a means of researching through qualitative research, the cultures and discourses of media use in a new way (Gough-Yates, 2007, p.33). Hermes (2005) notes that the sudden increase in qualitative audience studies in mass communications research is sometimes know as the ethnographic turn (or new audience research) because key studies involved are inspired by particular traditions of anthropological research called interpretive ethnography (p. 5). Although new audience research is a type of research it is different from other traditions that use comparable research techniques. New audience research practitioners prefer the use of qualitative methods rather than quantitative which allows them to study more social contexts in which the media is used; its focus is more culture and cultural backgrounds that are sometimes marginalized by mainstream research traditions and its research objective is often popular culture. Interactive research methods such as interviews are used and it often has a feminist agenda. One prime example of New Audience Research is Ien Angs study of watching Dallas, the American prime time soap opera (Ang, 1985, cited in Hermes, 2005, p. 6) in which Ien Ang was able to assess, through qualitative methods, audience pleasure in viewing the show. Ethnographic turn was born of three traditions including British or European cultural studies; American cultural studies and qualitative mass communications research and ethnographic refers to four characteristics including the study of the media in a broader social context rather than in isolation as done in the James Lull research of the role of television in the dynamics of family life. The meanings of media practices are of much more interest than media practices in new audience research and stands for a more political investment as the practices of media are mostly researched for specific institutional goals. Finally, its aim is to develop theoretical understandings of the practices that were observed through lengthy, open interviewing (Hermes, 2005, p. 28). The lack of methodology and its revisionist politics has been the most popular criticisms of New Audience Research. In conclusion, much of mass communications research now is neither administrative nor critical and proceeds as if no debates had been held as Livingstone (1993) points out and she advises that all research projects should consider text, audience and context. She adds both research processes and its subject matter can be questioned since much research from either tradition can be, and often is, used to support or critique the status quo (p, 7).

Friday, October 25, 2019

drug essay :: essays research papers

Would I say no to drugs and alcohol if I were asked to try it? That is a question that I have been asked many times. What else can I say but absolutely! Why would I say yes to something that very slowly destroys your body? Frankly, I don’t know why anybody would actually want to try it if they know the consequences that they will end up with later in life. Everybody knows, you and I know it, that if they continue smoking for the rest of their life, it is just a matter of time until something really horrible rolls around the corner and ruins the rest of their life. Just think of all the great opportunities that would be waiting for them if they chose to live a healthy life. Have you ever seen those smoking commercials? For instance, the one with the old lady with the hole in her neck? Well, some people might think those commercials are just pointless and gross, but I have a different opinion. I think those commercials send a strong message to young kids just starting to experiment with booze and drugs. They can see the actual effects they have on people and maybe, just maybe, teenagers and other people who are just starting will think twice about making smoking a regular habit. Bad breath, premature wrinkles, yellow teeth, etc. are just some of the short-term effects that drugs will cast upon you. It’s almost like casting a spell on you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦magically they just appear. Some long-term effects of the poisons are much more severe and if you are lucky enough to receive them, you’ll sure wish you never started. Cancer, emphysema, and birth defects if you are pregnant, are just some of the horrible long-term effects that you will probably end up with in the latter parts of your life.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Education and obesity Essay

Although many have studied the association between educational attainment and obesity, studies to date have not fully examined prior common causes and possible interactions by race/ethnicity or gender. It is also not clear if the relationship between actual educational attainment and obesity is independent of the role of aspired educational attainment or expected educational attainment. The authors use generalized linear log link models to examine the association between educational attainment at age 25 and obesity (BMI ≠¥ 30) at age 40 in the USA’s National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 cohort, adjusting for demographics, confounders, and mediators. Race/ethnicity but not gender interacted with educational attainment. In a complete case analysis, after adjusting for socioeconomic covariates from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, among whites only, college graduates were less likely than high school graduates to be obese (RR = 0.69, 95%CI: 0.57, 0.83). The risk ratio remained similar in two sensitivity analyses when the authors adjusted for educational aspirations and educational expectations and analyzed a multiply imputed dataset to address missingness. This more nuanced understanding of the role of education after controlling for a thorough set of confounders and mediators helps advance the study of social determinants of health and risk factors for obesity. Nutrition in pregnancy and early childhood and associations with obesity in developing countries. Concerns about the increasing rates of obesity in developing countries have led many policy makers to question the impacts of maternal and early child nutrition on risk of later obesity. The purposes of the review are to summarise the studies on the associations between nutrition during pregnancy and infant feeding practices with later obesity from childhood through adulthood and to identify potential ways for preventing obesity in developing countries. As few studies were ident ified in developing countries, key studies in developed countries were included in the review. Poor prenatal dietary intakes of energy, protein and micronutrients were shown to be associated with increased risk of adult obesity in offspring. Female offspring seem to be more vulnerable than male offspring when their mothers receive insufficient energy during pregnancy. By influencing birthweight, optimal prenatal nutrition might reduce the risk of obesity in adults. While normal birthweights (2500-3999 g) were associated with higher body mass index (BMI) as adults, they generally were associated with higher fat-free mass and lower fat mass compared with low birthweights (

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fast-Food Advertising Deceives Americans to Obesity

Fast-Food Advertising Deceives Americans to Obesity With every precious tick of the clock, an American rushes to perform yet another task in a day with a meager 24 hours. With all the activity encompassed within these hours, many aspects of life are neglected. One of these aspects–the most important and vital one, in fact– is self-nourishment. One must eat foods that are healthy as well as conducive to optimal bodily function and survival. In an attempt to adequately nourish themselves, Americans have fallen victim to seductive fast-food advertising that falsely leads them to believe that fast-food is healthy; this is an unconscionable misrepresentation on the part of the advertisers and thus should be punished. It is unconscionable that any company, well-aware of the potential harmful effects of their food, could so egregiously deceive and subsequently profit from the ignorance of the American public. It is the responsibility of every individual to educate themselves about the food they're eating as they are making a conscious decision when purchasing and consuming the fast-food meals. However, one's responsibility to oneself does not relieve the fast-food industry of their obligation to educate or at least, present fairly to the public the products they offer. The responsibility of a company to the society at large is such that they do not harm their customers. Healthy foods are advertised less than 3% of the time; children rarely see a food advertisement for broccoli. Increasingly, fast food conglomerates are using toy tie-ins with major children's motion pictures to try to attract young people. They request more junk food after viewing commercials.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

College Students today! essays

College Students today! essays College students today are very different from those of previous eras, and can be classified into three different categories. The Braniacs, the average Confused crowd, and the Slakers are the three main groups into which college students are divided. The purpose of the present is to inform you of the characteristics that identify an individual classified in any of these groups. By doing so, once you have acknowledged which group you pertain to and your flaws, you will hopefully set yourself a goal in hopes to improve your status as a college student. First there are the upper-intelligence group better known as the Braniacs. These are the individuals who posses the brains to manage and accurately cope with the overwhelming college experience. They usually have good time management skills, which allows them to have a balanced schedule and proper distribution of time permitting them to do all the required assignments and have space for leisure activities without having to sacrifice either. They maintain a 3.0 and above grade point average without really stressing themselves. Usually the integrants of this particular group posses just the right amount of maturity and realism to make out of their college experience a true success without wearing out their brains and making their lives miserable. These smart students most likely earned their studies financially through their hard work and consequently scholarships. The second group we wish to analyze is the Average Confused Crowd. Most college students fall under this category. The average procrastinating-do not know what to do with their life-puzzled daydreamers. Seeds of the average economic-class family; a family that works hard to pay for their childs college studies. These fellas are somewhere in between the best and the worst. They manage to obtain passing grades yet their journey to reaching these is...commendable. They make their l...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Calibans resentment Essays

Calibans resentment Essays Calibans resentment Paper Calibans resentment Paper Power is one of the main themes of this play. Most of the characters seem to want power. In Act 3 Scene 2 Shakespeare presents Caliban in four different ways. He shown as servile and respective, he shows this by begging Stephano and asking Let me lick thy shoe and hes only respectful because Stephano has been nice to him valiant masterI thank my noble lordif thy greatness will. Caliban is lonely. Caliban is also shown as trusting because he has barely known Stephano and already trusts him enough to say that he will tell him all the secrets of the island. He trusts Stephano enough to tell him his story I say, by sorcery he got this isle. This shows that he has a social desire to communicate with people. Hes pathetic to trust so quickly but he only trusts quickly because of loneliness. Shakespeare also shows him as vindictive. Caliban hates Prospero for the way he has treated him, he resents Prospero and wants to get his own back because Prospero has hurt him even though Caliban has treated Prospero like a God. Revenge it on himwhen Prospero is destroyed. Caliban sounds desperate when he says wilt thou destroy him then? Calibans resentment is shown when Shakespeare uses alliteration and assonance, thou mayst knock a nail into his head this also sounds violent and physical imagery is used. Beat him enough; after a little time, Ill beat him too this sentence has alliteration as well. Ay, lord, she will become thy bed, I warrant, and bring thee forth brae brood this is not a very nice remark. Caliban is shown as sensitive and poetic as well and when it comes to his Island he talks about it ever so passionately because he loves it but he also hates the fact that he doesnt rule it. Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises, sounds and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments will hum about mine ears; and sometimes voices, that if I then had waked after long sleep, will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming, the clouds, methought, would open and show riches ready to drop upon me, that when I waked I cried to sleep again. He talks about Sycorax his mother in a sensitive tone. Be not afeard this is an onomatopoeia. I cried to dream again this is sensitive. This whole speech shows Calibans poetic side and tells of his dreams. He says that hes learnt language to curse but when he describes Miranda he is so poetic and persuasive with the extent of her beauty and he even uses a French word. The beauty of his daughter; he himself calls her a nonpareil. I never saw a woman but only Sycorax, my dam, and she; but she as far surpasseth Sycorax as greatst does least. By the end of the scene the audience probably has less sympathy for Caliban because hes planning to murder Prospero but they will despise him less as they know that hes lonely, desperate, stupid to trust others so easily, hes been brought up as a slave and he has got a sensitive side. In Act 4 Scene 1 Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo are near Prosperos home. Prithee, my king, be quiet. Seest thou here; this is the mouth oth cell. No noise, and enter. Do that good mischief which may make this island thine own forever, and I, thy Caliban, for aye thy foot-licker this little speech shows that Caliban has got everything worked out but some garments catch Stephano and Trinculos eyes my kingthou kingbe quiet. Caliban is very angry at this stage, Stephano and Trinculo arent concentrating on the job in hand, hes serious about getting Prospero killed but they arent. Caliban gets really agitated and calls Stephano a fool The dropsy drown this fool! What do you mean to dote thus on such luggage? Lett alone and do the murder first. If he awake, from toe to crown hell fill our skin with pinches, make us strange stuff. Caliban is scared of Prospero torturing him again.  Ay, that I will; and Ill be wise hereafter and seek for grace. What a thrice-double ass was I to take this drunkard for a god, and worship this dull fool! Caliban here tries to get Prosperos forgiveness; he realises that hes made a mistake. When you talk about grace its at a religious level usually but Caliban is asking for forgiveness using a religious word. Caliban is described sometimes as a tortoise and at other times as a fish he is abused a lot because of his looks but the reader doesnt know what he really looks like because hes described in a lot of different ways. Shakespeare lets the readers mind imagine was Caliban looks like.  After having explored Shakespeares presentation of Caliban in The Tempest. I accept that Caliban has got a dark side but hes also got a good side, although it isnt shown as often, hes a sensitive being.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A reflection report and why it is an important task

In this study I am traveling to show my experience with these acquisition tools and engineerings. It will be included my strength, failing, chances I have obtained to increase my surveies every bit good as what are the schemes I am traveling to utilize success my acquisition, what are the breaks for my development, how can I reassign my accomplishments for future calling. On the other manus I am traveling to happen how I can utilize these experiences with other faculty. What are my Strengths? Bing Prepared for Study Study accomplishments questionnaire show I have good betterments in prepared for survey. I have identified my personal resources. I am ever garnering thought from coachs and aged pupils. I have clearly identified what sort of resources do I need to success my academic surveies. Therefore I am reading books and newspapers, I am utilizing cyberspace every bit good as library for maintains this quality to send on. I have good thoughts who are the people and topographic points that I can utilize for better my surveies. It seems indecorous survey more helpful to being prepared for survey. Harmonizing Cottrell.S ( 2008, p12 ) Independent survey is â€Å" feature all university programmes. The sum and the sort varies from one programme to another † . Study skills questionnaire describe I have good understand about independent survey therefore I can file away my ain success by pull offing my surveies good. Information Technology Study Audit suggests I am good in information engineering. When I was following DNIIT ( sheepskin in national institute of information Technology ) I have used Microsoft office related assignments every bit good as I have good experience with other assortment of package. Today I am utilizing my old experience when I am making my academic acquisition in Northumbria University. So it helps me to make my assignments and everything much easy. Referencing Study accomplishments questionnaire describe I have good thought when I am making referencing for my academic authorship. That mean I have understood avoiding plagiarism. In this instance I am following â€Å" Cite them right † written by Richard Pears and Graham. It is positively impacting me to when I am making my assignment in my plan faculty. I know how to bring forth list of mention, understanding about mention beginning. I have got positive feedback from coach about my referencing for formative assignment in undertaking direction faculty. Team Worker Belbin trial consequence shows I am a good squad worker when I am working in a group. By and large most schools and universities depend on persons but late they more sing bettering pupils accomplishments when they are work as a group. It is call as ‘people accomplishments ‘ or ‘interpersonal accomplishments ‘ . Cottrell.S ( 2008, p93 ) . As a squad worker I have had good experience in my school life. It could assist me to pass on with each other ‘s and take others ideas into my group every bit good as I can promote members in my group. I can portion my cognition, thoughts among the group members besides I can promote them, I can listen them eventually I can pull off my group into success. What are my Failings? Organization of larning Kennedy. J ( 2005, p6 ) pointed out â€Å" planning and forming your clip expeditiously enables you to interrupt up long periods of academic survey into realistic and accomplishable aims † . Skill Audit finds I am hebdomad with organisation of larning. I have n’t program for my surveies ; I have n’t good organized my talk notes. In some instance it severely effectual when I am subjecting my assignments, when I am traveling for my talks and when I am confronting to exam. Time Management Study accomplishments questionnaire find I have less ability to pull off my clip. It seems I am off from commanding my ain clip, much clip take to finish undertakings, no clip to liberate. I am non utilizing clip tabular array for my twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours works that makes me problem with my assignments deadline. I m non schedule my academic undertakings. Study kills questionnaire and SWOT shows I did non understand demand of clip direction. Revision and test techniques Skills Audit suggests I want acquire more experience about alteration and test techniques. Revision we need for to recover of import information, theory and techniques that can utilize for our surveies ( University of Worcester, 2007 ) . This happened I have non utilize any past test documents. It seems I have n’t good schemes for face scrutiny. For an instant I am weak planning clip and get bying with anxiousness in the test room. Opportunities In my applied calculating plan I have to more chance to follow several sort of faculty it is conveying me more chances. Academic communicating This faculty is conveying me grade chances of better my academic authorship accomplishments. It is giving quit different experience with new written academic undertakings. Particularly it guides us to how to utilize English grammar and vocabulary suitably and avoiding plagiarism. Academic communicating faculty is giving right counsel for study authorship. It makes us much easy when we are making our surveies in other faculties. Undertaking direction Project direction is giving experience cognition to pull off single undertakings. It is give more chances project direction techniques and professional issues in industry. Planning, programming, estimating, hazard directions are most of import in this faculty. Therefore we are utilizing Microsoft Project as a personal computer based undertaking direction tool. It is more utile for my other faculty for mange the faculty undertaking by utilizing this faculty experience. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design In this faculty we are acquiring more experience about Object-oriented constructs and an object-oriented development procedure. To make this we are utilizing Unified Modeling Language as a methodological analysis. In this faculty we are larning to plan the structural and dynamic facets of information systems utilizing UML. Entrepreneurship and Small Business These faculties helpful to get down our ain concern without any others help. In this faculty we learn demands for startup little concern. It guides to how to construct up compressive concern program to success. We have another chance to acquire concern thoughts to success from top concern work forces because each and every hebdomad different concern work forces carry on our seminars. My schemes to get the better of failing I have already identified what are my strengths and what are my failings. If I need a success in my survey I have to keep my strength continuously I should hold good program to from my failings. aˆ? Schemes for organisation of larning I have identified I have n’t good schemes to be after my surveies. Therefore I need to well program my surveies in each and every faculty we are acquiring coach notes so I need to set up so in to rectify order so it. My following suggestion is I want to give pull off my clip to make my assignments before to deadline. Some clip it will hard me to acquire utilize it because I am ever busy with my work. Schemes for Time Management In this instance I want to be cognizant of my clip in how is wanted to utilize that in proper manner. I suggest I want to do clip tabular array for my surveies. So that I want to be after and form my surveies for an illustration I can be after my academic semester or academic twelvemonth. After that I can look into out my program is working or non decently. It is more of import when I am working with deadlines. I think it is assist me to subject my assignments on clip. Schemes for Time Revision and test techniques To get the better of with this failing I need to read more books and I want more pattern to memorise everything I have studied. I suggest I can utilize my free clip to recover my surveies. I want to take drumhead and need to carefully travel through my talk note after my finish my talks to acquire rid of this failing. I hope to happen out base on balls test documents and travel through that before I face to exam. Some clip it is hard to me happen out exam base on balls documents related to my faculty. Otherwise it will easy for me. Events or people might suppress your development My determination shows many events and people inhibit my development. Facebook is universe celebrated societal networking web site. I think I am exhausted my valuable clip with Facebook. In Facebook I am chew the fating with my friends, I am watching their updates every clip and watching others exposures. So it takes more than two hours per twenty-four hours. It is severely affect me to when I am traveling to my clip for surveies. Normally it takes two or more hours to fix our repasts that besides clip blowing and it cut down our survey clip. In my free clip and weekends I am watching athleticss events or a film or musical plans on Television. These events besides baldly affect to my development. Transportation accomplishments to for future calling aspirations We have two types of abilities that are learned abilities and natural abilities. Learned abilities are our accomplishments and natural abilities are our endowments. Transfer accomplishments are the accomplishments and abilities we have archived during any activity in our life ( occupation, categories, undertakings, avocations, athleticss ) . These abilities are more of import for your future calling. Learned abilities are skill you throughout in your life ( Leading Org Solutions, 2009 ) Therefore I am traveling to happen out few accomplishments that I can utilize for success my future calling aspirations. Each and every accomplishment we have that are really of import for our hereafter in here I traveling to discourse few of them. Forming work It is more helpful for your future calling. So I can work harmonizing to plane. I can utilize my experience to choose suited undertakings. I will be awareness about my work. It will helpful to complete my undertaking without any problem. Time Management Each and every undertaking we need to be a proper clip direction. In my future calling I hope to utilize my experiences for manage my well. Therefore I will be able to work with deadlines without holding any problems. Working with others In this accomplishment it helps me to work as a group. I can portion my cognition with them for archive marks. I can pull off group, I can promote them, I solve jobs, I can work with several people from a assortment of background. Decision Each and every pupil ‘s aspiration is to be success in their instruction. Therefore self rating is most of import step pupil ‘s accomplishments. I think it is utile tools and engineering like Belbin, SOWT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire for step pupil ‘s accomplishments. These tools demonstrate you are in positive, what are the failings you should hold overcome. On other manus you have to be cognizant with your surveies that will assist you to understand what the chances you have got. Should hold right identified who are the people and what are the events suppress your development. It will assist you make your larning without blowing your clip. Finally it is truly of import you must hold right thought about reassigning your accomplishments to you future calling. If you follow these stairss accuracy you will decidedly success in your acquisition. A reflection report and why it is an important task In this study I am traveling to show my experience with these acquisition tools and engineerings. It will be included my strength, failing, chances I have obtained to increase my surveies every bit good as what are the schemes I am traveling to utilize success my acquisition, what are the breaks for my development, how can I reassign my accomplishments for future calling. On the other manus I am traveling to happen how I can utilize these experiences with other faculty. What are my Strengths? Bing Prepared for Study Study accomplishments questionnaire show I have good betterments in prepared for survey. I have identified my personal resources. I am ever garnering thought from coachs and aged pupils. I have clearly identified what sort of resources do I need to success my academic surveies. Therefore I am reading books and newspapers, I am utilizing cyberspace every bit good as library for maintains this quality to send on. I have good thoughts who are the people and topographic points that I can utilize for better my surveies. It seems indecorous survey more helpful to being prepared for survey. Harmonizing Cottrell.S ( 2008, p12 ) Independent survey is â€Å" feature all university programmes. The sum and the sort varies from one programme to another † . Study skills questionnaire describe I have good understand about independent survey therefore I can file away my ain success by pull offing my surveies good. Information Technology Study Audit suggests I am good in information engineering. When I was following DNIIT ( sheepskin in national institute of information Technology ) I have used Microsoft office related assignments every bit good as I have good experience with other assortment of package. Today I am utilizing my old experience when I am making my academic acquisition in Northumbria University. So it helps me to make my assignments and everything much easy. Referencing Study accomplishments questionnaire describe I have good thought when I am making referencing for my academic authorship. That mean I have understood avoiding plagiarism. In this instance I am following â€Å" Cite them right † written by Richard Pears and Graham. It is positively impacting me to when I am making my assignment in my plan faculty. I know how to bring forth list of mention, understanding about mention beginning. I have got positive feedback from coach about my referencing for formative assignment in undertaking direction faculty. Team Worker Belbin trial consequence shows I am a good squad worker when I am working in a group. By and large most schools and universities depend on persons but late they more sing bettering pupils accomplishments when they are work as a group. It is call as ‘people accomplishments ‘ or ‘interpersonal accomplishments ‘ . Cottrell.S ( 2008, p93 ) . As a squad worker I have had good experience in my school life. It could assist me to pass on with each other ‘s and take others ideas into my group every bit good as I can promote members in my group. I can portion my cognition, thoughts among the group members besides I can promote them, I can listen them eventually I can pull off my group into success. What are my Failings? Organization of larning Kennedy. J ( 2005, p6 ) pointed out â€Å" planning and forming your clip expeditiously enables you to interrupt up long periods of academic survey into realistic and accomplishable aims † . Skill Audit finds I am hebdomad with organisation of larning. I have n’t program for my surveies ; I have n’t good organized my talk notes. In some instance it severely effectual when I am subjecting my assignments, when I am traveling for my talks and when I am confronting to exam. Time Management Study accomplishments questionnaire find I have less ability to pull off my clip. It seems I am off from commanding my ain clip, much clip take to finish undertakings, no clip to liberate. I am non utilizing clip tabular array for my twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours works that makes me problem with my assignments deadline. I m non schedule my academic undertakings. Study kills questionnaire and SWOT shows I did non understand demand of clip direction. Revision and test techniques Skills Audit suggests I want acquire more experience about alteration and test techniques. Revision we need for to recover of import information, theory and techniques that can utilize for our surveies ( University of Worcester, 2007 ) . This happened I have non utilize any past test documents. It seems I have n’t good schemes for face scrutiny. For an instant I am weak planning clip and get bying with anxiousness in the test room. Opportunities In my applied calculating plan I have to more chance to follow several sort of faculty it is conveying me more chances. Academic communicating This faculty is conveying me grade chances of better my academic authorship accomplishments. It is giving quit different experience with new written academic undertakings. Particularly it guides us to how to utilize English grammar and vocabulary suitably and avoiding plagiarism. Academic communicating faculty is giving right counsel for study authorship. It makes us much easy when we are making our surveies in other faculties. Undertaking direction Project direction is giving experience cognition to pull off single undertakings. It is give more chances project direction techniques and professional issues in industry. Planning, programming, estimating, hazard directions are most of import in this faculty. Therefore we are utilizing Microsoft Project as a personal computer based undertaking direction tool. It is more utile for my other faculty for mange the faculty undertaking by utilizing this faculty experience. Object-Oriented Modeling and Design In this faculty we are acquiring more experience about Object-oriented constructs and an object-oriented development procedure. To make this we are utilizing Unified Modeling Language as a methodological analysis. In this faculty we are larning to plan the structural and dynamic facets of information systems utilizing UML. Entrepreneurship and Small Business These faculties helpful to get down our ain concern without any others help. In this faculty we learn demands for startup little concern. It guides to how to construct up compressive concern program to success. We have another chance to acquire concern thoughts to success from top concern work forces because each and every hebdomad different concern work forces carry on our seminars. My schemes to get the better of failing I have already identified what are my strengths and what are my failings. If I need a success in my survey I have to keep my strength continuously I should hold good program to from my failings. aˆ? Schemes for organisation of larning I have identified I have n’t good schemes to be after my surveies. Therefore I need to well program my surveies in each and every faculty we are acquiring coach notes so I need to set up so in to rectify order so it. My following suggestion is I want to give pull off my clip to make my assignments before to deadline. Some clip it will hard me to acquire utilize it because I am ever busy with my work. Schemes for Time Management In this instance I want to be cognizant of my clip in how is wanted to utilize that in proper manner. I suggest I want to do clip tabular array for my surveies. So that I want to be after and form my surveies for an illustration I can be after my academic semester or academic twelvemonth. After that I can look into out my program is working or non decently. It is more of import when I am working with deadlines. I think it is assist me to subject my assignments on clip. Schemes for Time Revision and test techniques To get the better of with this failing I need to read more books and I want more pattern to memorise everything I have studied. I suggest I can utilize my free clip to recover my surveies. I want to take drumhead and need to carefully travel through my talk note after my finish my talks to acquire rid of this failing. I hope to happen out base on balls test documents and travel through that before I face to exam. Some clip it is hard to me happen out exam base on balls documents related to my faculty. Otherwise it will easy for me. Events or people might suppress your development My determination shows many events and people inhibit my development. Facebook is universe celebrated societal networking web site. I think I am exhausted my valuable clip with Facebook. In Facebook I am chew the fating with my friends, I am watching their updates every clip and watching others exposures. So it takes more than two hours per twenty-four hours. It is severely affect me to when I am traveling to my clip for surveies. Normally it takes two or more hours to fix our repasts that besides clip blowing and it cut down our survey clip. In my free clip and weekends I am watching athleticss events or a film or musical plans on Television. These events besides baldly affect to my development. Transportation accomplishments to for future calling aspirations We have two types of abilities that are learned abilities and natural abilities. Learned abilities are our accomplishments and natural abilities are our endowments. Transfer accomplishments are the accomplishments and abilities we have archived during any activity in our life ( occupation, categories, undertakings, avocations, athleticss ) . These abilities are more of import for your future calling. Learned abilities are skill you throughout in your life ( Leading Org Solutions, 2009 ) Therefore I am traveling to happen out few accomplishments that I can utilize for success my future calling aspirations. Each and every accomplishment we have that are really of import for our hereafter in here I traveling to discourse few of them. Forming work It is more helpful for your future calling. So I can work harmonizing to plane. I can utilize my experience to choose suited undertakings. I will be awareness about my work. It will helpful to complete my undertaking without any problem. Time Management Each and every undertaking we need to be a proper clip direction. In my future calling I hope to utilize my experiences for manage my well. Therefore I will be able to work with deadlines without holding any problems. Working with others In this accomplishment it helps me to work as a group. I can portion my cognition with them for archive marks. I can pull off group, I can promote them, I solve jobs, I can work with several people from a assortment of background. Decision Each and every pupil ‘s aspiration is to be success in their instruction. Therefore self rating is most of import step pupil ‘s accomplishments. I think it is utile tools and engineering like Belbin, SOWT, Skills Audit, Study Skills questionnaire for step pupil ‘s accomplishments. These tools demonstrate you are in positive, what are the failings you should hold overcome. On other manus you have to be cognizant with your surveies that will assist you to understand what the chances you have got. Should hold right identified who are the people and what are the events suppress your development. It will assist you make your larning without blowing your clip. Finally it is truly of import you must hold right thought about reassigning your accomplishments to you future calling. If you follow these stairss accuracy you will decidedly success in your acquisition.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Market Economy in Jacksonian America. Did it benefit or hurt Research Paper - 1

The Market Economy in Jacksonian America. Did it benefit or hurt america - Research Paper Example According to Jackson, the proper road to reform lay in an absolute acceptance of majority rule as was expressed through the democratic process. However, beyond these general principles, Jacksons campaign was particularly vague about specific policies. As an alternative, it stressed Jacksons life story as a man who had risen from modest origins to become a Tennessee planter who was successful. His claim to peculiarity lay in a military career that included service as a young man in the Innovatory War, some anti-Indian campaigns, and, of course, his topmost moment in the Battle of New Orleans at the end of 1812 war.2 Jacksons election marked a new direction in American politics. He was the first president to be elected from the west, certainly, the first president from a state other than Massachusetts or Virginia. He confidently proclaimed himself to be the common man champion and he believed that their interests were ignored by the aggressive national economic plans of and Adams and clay. Nevertheless, more than this, when Martin Van Buren followed Jackson as a president, this indicated that the Jacksonian movement had long-term significance that would outlast his own alluring leadership. In the year 1834, President Andrew Jackson was celebrating the â€Å"glorious victory.† The old warrior who battled the Seminoles, the British and the creeks now was cheering his victory over a president who was referred to as â€Å"colossal of corruption.† Now, who was the giant that jack had to eliminate from the world two earlier years? This mammoth was the bank of the United States of America and Jackson’s defeat of the bank and its president, Biddle, was among the most important legacies of his presidency.3 The bank of the United States had been formed in the year 1791. It was chartered by the federal government, its stock was owned jointly by private investors and the government. It served as the bank of the government- center of tax revenues were being

Evaluate how Napoleon both continued and broke from the aims of his Essay

Evaluate how Napoleon both continued and broke from the aims of his revolutionary predecessors - Essay Example Due to these successful statistics, Napoleon is regarded as one of the shrewdest and greatest military commanders that the world has ever seen and it is for this reason that his military campaigns are studied at different military academies worldwide. In 1799, Napoleon replaced the French directory with French Consulate and became the First Consul. He was 5 years later proclaimed as the emperor by the French Senate after a plebiscite in his favor. From 1900 to 1910, the French Empire was besieged with a number of conflicts known as the Napoleonic Wars which involved all the major European powers (Schom). After several victories, France had held an extremely powerful and dominant position in Europe. Napoleon maintained this French influence by forming extensive alliances and by appointing various many family members and friends to rule over different European states as French client states. The turning point of napoleon’s fame and success was the war of Peninsula and the 1812 i nvasion of Russia by the French armies. Despite major success in these wars, napoleon army was badly injured in these invasions ad was unable to fully recover from the blows from the war. This marked the downfall of Napoleon’s success. ... The next six years of Napoleon lives were spent in British confinement on the island of Saint Helena. It was concluded on the basis of an autopsy that Hitler died of stomach cancer despite major debates around the cause of his death, for some scholars firmly believe that Napoleon was poisoned by arsenic. When looking to answer the question of how Napoleon was different from his predecessors, the major difference is the Civil Code that was invented by Napoleon. Ever since the prevalence of in France, there has never been a single body of standard regulating the country. This was a cause of many problems in various parts of the country and created rather unjust and unfair legal situations especially where the poor were concerned. The Napoleonic Code based mostly on the Roman Law, Justinian’s Code. The code basically separated Civil Law into three different categories; the personal category, the status category and the property and the acquisition of property category. These thre e were also the main morals of the entire French Revolution. French revolutionaries wanted the entire country to be standing on equal footing regardless of anyone’s monetary status. It was the Napoleonic Code that ensured that everyone had a chance to earn themselves money and a status. Every country in Europe other than Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, Russia and Sweden have based parts of their laws on one or another aspect of the Napoleonic Code (The Napoleonic Code). The Code is still used to date in several former French colonies like Louisiana and Quebec. The Napoleonic Code was perhaps the greatest civil achievement of Napoleon’s. This code was the embodiment of the entire French revolution. It was Napoleon’s code that was responsible for

Reincarnation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reincarnation - Essay Example Reincarnation appears to have caught the thoughts of many and the notion receives frequent mentions in popular books, feature films and popular music.( Stevenson, 37) Discussion Written by Doctor Jim B. Tucker the book ‘Life before life’ is a scientific analysis of kids’ memories of former lives. The book brings forth an overview of over forty years of reincarnation investigation which was done at the â€Å"University of Virginia division of personality studies†. in addition the book also deliberates over birth defects and birthmarks that look like those of a departed person who is recognized in a child. Doctor Jim is an apprentice of the late Doctor Ian Stevenson who back in the 1960’s started printing case studies of kids who remembered alleged previous life memoirs. From then on Dr. Tucker, Dr. Stevenson and their associates have put together an incomparable number of study cases in which young kids usually between age 2 and 8 spontaneously analyz ed experiences and memoirs of a post presence. The kids often delivered an extensive amount of evidence which included places and specific names from an alleged past life, birthmarks and facts of certain events from that life to back up the idea that a part of their awareness have somehow remained intact and have been passed on from a previous life to another. The cases became more captivating when a certain personality of a supposed past incarnation is successfully discovered normally by the child, family or neighbors. Dr. Tucker brings forth his findings clearly and systematically all the way through the book, for example in a specific chapter he would begin by summarizing a specific sequence of kid s’ cases with a similar character, e.g. occurrence of a birthmark on the kid that resemble to injuries of the kids’ previous character or even existence of printed records describing a kids reports that are dated earlier than the kids’ supposed previous character i s recognized after thoroughly outlining the cases, he goes further to discuss the possible substitute explanations to reincarnation for those cases (ordinary explanations which include faulty memory, fraud, coincidence or paranormal explanation e.g. possession) and then he further goes to conclude if reincarnation offers the most convincing explanation for each individual case. He takes the reader on a universal voyage into regions of the globe with hugely differing views on reincarnation, into homes infiltrated by widely-differing socio-economic conditions and into the lives of kids with very diverse stories. Nevertheless, his assumption that reincarnation as he describes is the most conceivable explanation for most of precise cases and definitely in the frame of cases as a whole, remains unwavering all through the book. Of tuckers In most of Doctor Tuckers cases, the amount of material supposedly recalled by the kid in question is quite amazing. in one certain case, Doctor Tucker tells of a kid from whom even before he was three years old began telling her life as a vendor of incense in a community approximately a hundred and forty five miles away. For 4 years she stated specific details about the life she had led as this gentleman including the exact type of incense he had sold (a type unavailable to and somewhat unknown in the township where that girl lived), the exact location where he lived, the identity of his mother, names of his wife and the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Health care issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health care issues - Essay Example There are several challenges that the governments around the world are facing, however, financial challenges in the health care sector seem to be of utmost importance. According to a survey conducted on top issues a hospital faced, financial challenges topped the list of 13 challenges that the respondents were asked to rank (American College of Healthcare Executives(ACHE’s)(2011). The survey also took a closer look at the top 3 concerns. Medicare reimbursement and bad debts were major contributors to the financial problem. Another major contributor was increase in cost of staff and supplies. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute, ‘In 2010, the emphasis on cost continues. (PWC, 2010). In a its annual report published in December 2009 the institute stated that managing costs and getting more out of less will be the second most important challenge for the health care industry. Second only to the impact of Health Reforms (PWC, 2010). MEDICARE CHALLENGES Medicare, a health care program taking care of the elderly has been facing problems for quite some time now. The problem has been two-fold: on one side the overall cost of providing health care is going up and on the other hand there is a large number of baby boomers who are going to be eligible for Medicare this year (Levey, 2009).

What characteristics and events in Chinese history prevented China Essay

What characteristics and events in Chinese history prevented China from becoming a world power before 1949 - Essay Example This paper will outline some of the main contours leading to the Chinese rise of economic superiority over the western civilization prior to the 19th century, after which it will be possible to account for the rise of the western civilization from the eastern origins. From as early as 1078, historical records indicate that china was the world’s major steel producer, thereby outweighing the British as producers of steel. Apart from this production, it is also possible to determine that China was leading in international trade, thereby possessing the largest commercial ships, which had the capacity of transporting 3,000 tons worth of goods. By 1750, it is possible to determine that China’s per capita income could probably match that of Great Britain since they had a stable economy, technological developments and high agricultural yields. From this point, the Europeans and British manufacturers were able to follow China’s lead thereby borrowing and assimilating its advanced technology mainly for the penetration of the Chinese lucrative and advanced market. The western conquest of the East was militaristic, and they justified their conquest to with its non-reciprocal economic relation with their trading countries overseas. On the other hand, China’s predominance was on the basis of reciprocal benefits with its overseas trading partners since the country’s rulers were accustomed or relied on their superiority in production, banking skills and sophisticated commercial skills (Rosenthal et al, 36). In contrast, the western nations were relying on military conquest, destruction of competitiveness, and tariff protection. Consequently, it is possible to determine that the British were not hesitant in exterminating some of the communities that were resistant to their policies. With their inability to invade the Chinese market by great economic competitiveness, the British relied on military power in their conquest, thereby leading armed

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Reincarnation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reincarnation - Essay Example Reincarnation appears to have caught the thoughts of many and the notion receives frequent mentions in popular books, feature films and popular music.( Stevenson, 37) Discussion Written by Doctor Jim B. Tucker the book ‘Life before life’ is a scientific analysis of kids’ memories of former lives. The book brings forth an overview of over forty years of reincarnation investigation which was done at the â€Å"University of Virginia division of personality studies†. in addition the book also deliberates over birth defects and birthmarks that look like those of a departed person who is recognized in a child. Doctor Jim is an apprentice of the late Doctor Ian Stevenson who back in the 1960’s started printing case studies of kids who remembered alleged previous life memoirs. From then on Dr. Tucker, Dr. Stevenson and their associates have put together an incomparable number of study cases in which young kids usually between age 2 and 8 spontaneously analyz ed experiences and memoirs of a post presence. The kids often delivered an extensive amount of evidence which included places and specific names from an alleged past life, birthmarks and facts of certain events from that life to back up the idea that a part of their awareness have somehow remained intact and have been passed on from a previous life to another. The cases became more captivating when a certain personality of a supposed past incarnation is successfully discovered normally by the child, family or neighbors. Dr. Tucker brings forth his findings clearly and systematically all the way through the book, for example in a specific chapter he would begin by summarizing a specific sequence of kid s’ cases with a similar character, e.g. occurrence of a birthmark on the kid that resemble to injuries of the kids’ previous character or even existence of printed records describing a kids reports that are dated earlier than the kids’ supposed previous character i s recognized after thoroughly outlining the cases, he goes further to discuss the possible substitute explanations to reincarnation for those cases (ordinary explanations which include faulty memory, fraud, coincidence or paranormal explanation e.g. possession) and then he further goes to conclude if reincarnation offers the most convincing explanation for each individual case. He takes the reader on a universal voyage into regions of the globe with hugely differing views on reincarnation, into homes infiltrated by widely-differing socio-economic conditions and into the lives of kids with very diverse stories. Nevertheless, his assumption that reincarnation as he describes is the most conceivable explanation for most of precise cases and definitely in the frame of cases as a whole, remains unwavering all through the book. Of tuckers In most of Doctor Tuckers cases, the amount of material supposedly recalled by the kid in question is quite amazing. in one certain case, Doctor Tucker tells of a kid from whom even before he was three years old began telling her life as a vendor of incense in a community approximately a hundred and forty five miles away. For 4 years she stated specific details about the life she had led as this gentleman including the exact type of incense he had sold (a type unavailable to and somewhat unknown in the township where that girl lived), the exact location where he lived, the identity of his mother, names of his wife and the

What characteristics and events in Chinese history prevented China Essay

What characteristics and events in Chinese history prevented China from becoming a world power before 1949 - Essay Example This paper will outline some of the main contours leading to the Chinese rise of economic superiority over the western civilization prior to the 19th century, after which it will be possible to account for the rise of the western civilization from the eastern origins. From as early as 1078, historical records indicate that china was the world’s major steel producer, thereby outweighing the British as producers of steel. Apart from this production, it is also possible to determine that China was leading in international trade, thereby possessing the largest commercial ships, which had the capacity of transporting 3,000 tons worth of goods. By 1750, it is possible to determine that China’s per capita income could probably match that of Great Britain since they had a stable economy, technological developments and high agricultural yields. From this point, the Europeans and British manufacturers were able to follow China’s lead thereby borrowing and assimilating its advanced technology mainly for the penetration of the Chinese lucrative and advanced market. The western conquest of the East was militaristic, and they justified their conquest to with its non-reciprocal economic relation with their trading countries overseas. On the other hand, China’s predominance was on the basis of reciprocal benefits with its overseas trading partners since the country’s rulers were accustomed or relied on their superiority in production, banking skills and sophisticated commercial skills (Rosenthal et al, 36). In contrast, the western nations were relying on military conquest, destruction of competitiveness, and tariff protection. Consequently, it is possible to determine that the British were not hesitant in exterminating some of the communities that were resistant to their policies. With their inability to invade the Chinese market by great economic competitiveness, the British relied on military power in their conquest, thereby leading armed

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Leadership - Does Gender Matter Essay Example for Free

Leadership Does Gender Matter Essay Does gender affect the ability of an individual to become an effective leader? Some researchers believe that effective leaders are just born while others believe that effective leadership can be learned. But few of these researchers discuss the difference that gender may make in becoming good leaders. When we take a look back through history, we can see that the evaluation of women leaders was slow. Today, only 2. 4 percent (Gettings, Johnson, Brunner, Frantz, 2009) of the Fortune 500 Companys are lead by women which is an increase from the 1. percent (www. money. cnn. com) of female Chief Executive Officers in 2002. The gender differences in the corporate world posses several issues for the Human Resource Managers such as management style differences, pay equity, promotion fairness, and work-life balance. Women began entering the workforce in the late 1800s. During that time, women were employed in what society considered female specific careers such as teachers, nurses, and seamstresses and women made up a very small portion of the workforce. This all changed with the on-set of World War II. While the men left to fulfill their military obligations, women stepped up to the plate and filled positions in industrial factories across the nation doing jobs typically performed by men. Following World War II, many females continued to work and over the decades have set career aspirations which have led them to the top. As time went on, it became obvious that the gender differences in the work place required Human Resource Management intervention. Historically, the workplace was predominantly masculine when it came to organizational theory. Organizations were structured on centralized authority, specialization and expertise, and division of labor. Aggressive and dominating leadership styles became less popular among organizations. The era of masculine leadership styles then gave way to the newly desired feminine way (Lowen, 2007) of leading. In the late 1900s, organizations became more feminine in nature utilizing concepts such as delegation of authority, collaboration, and empowerment. In addition, interpersonal relations became a focus for organizations and such things as trust, openness and concern for the whole person kicked off the feminization of leadership (Frankel, 2007) and in 1963 the Equal Pay Act was created which mandated equal pay, regardless of gender, for workers performing the same job. This became extremely important as women began to hold top level positions within organizations. Women possess many gender specific qualities and characteristics which enhance their leader effectiveness in todays feminized leadership. According to a study conducted by Caliper, a Princeton based management consulting group, women leaders are more empathic, flexible and possess stronger interpersonal skills. The strong interpersonal skills of women enable them to be objective in taking in information from all sides and then take this information and weighing the concerns and objectives of their people. Empathy and genuine concern make subordinates feel valued, supporte d, and understood. In addition, this same study noted that women were able to be more persuasive and assertive in taking risks as compared to their male counter parts. This often leads to women coming up with more innovative solutions to problems, and ultimately, getting things accomplished. Many studies conducted across the country within various businesses have concluded that women executives are rated higher than men in the areas of producing high quality work, setting and achieving goals, and mentoring subordinates (Sharpe, 2000). These studies also found that women were not as concerned with self-interest as men and did not accomplish tasks or achieve goals based on what was in it for them, but instead for the mere enjoyment of their success. It is this type of attitude which inspires companies to employee women in their executive positions. In addition, one of the areas in these studies showed that women excelled at teamwork and motivating teams in getting results. But these studies also included areas where men were stronger such as strategic and technical ability. Men also seemed to be better at giving punishment and were found to issue double the amount of punishments as compared to women. With so many differences in management styles between men and women, it was necessary for Human Resource Managers to design diversity programs which included education on gender differences, as well as, racism, discrimination, etc. Women are slowly making their way into the corporate ranks of Fortune 500 Companies. According to CNN Money, there are currently 13 female Chief Executive Officers in the Fortune 500 and 26 female Chief Executive Officers in the Fortune 1,000. Believe it or not, the number of female Chief Executive Officers has doubled compared to 5 years ago when there were only 6 female Chief Executive Officers in the Fortune 500. But, if women make equally effective leaders as compared to men, then why are there so few employed in top management positions? In Tischler’s article â€Å"Where are the Women? ,† she talks about how women â€Å"scale† back their work in exchange for a balanced personal life (Tischler, 2007). She also discusses the competiveness of men compared to women and how that might contribute to the larger number of men holding top executive level positions. Most often, women simply dont want to deal with the work-life balance. Top executives put in grueling long days and their lives are controlled by the companys success or failure. Women have a natural instinct to nurture and often put their family life before their career. When I read Morris’ article, â€Å"Trophy Husbands,† it made me stop and think how husbands could assist in helping their spouse to balance the work-life balance. In Morris’ article, she discusses how husbands have given up their careers to assist their female spouses in reaching the top (Morris, 2002). I think that this is a huge step in elevating women to the top ranks of the corporate world. These husbands stepped down for many reasons, but some stepped down because they knew their wives had the potential and determination to fill these top positions. They were supportive and wanted to assist by elevating any family related stress by ensuring that things on the home front were taken care of. In fact, although the number of female Chief Executive Officers appears to be low, the truth is women are successful leaders. There are over 9 million women-owned businesses in the United States and women hold over 45 percent of the managerial positions within large corporations. Indeed, women can and are successful at leading. Yet there is still a large difference in the pay scale of female and male executives. Is it simply a blatant decisions that these companies make, or is it a simply mistake because these organizations do not have an established pay scale system? Human Resource Managers need to be cognizant of pay differences and promotion bias. According to Stites article, one way to avoid this dilemma is to establish systematic pay systems, ensure equal access to promotions, and document discrepancies with legitimate business reasons (Stites, May 2005). So, does gender matter when considering leadership effectiveness? According to the text, men and women are equally effective at leading, but each gender utilizes different styles in their leadership abilities (Northouse, 2007). It is my position that gender is neutral. Males and females can both possess the skills necessary to be effective leaders and I believe that women can lead companies to success just as well as men. To be an effective leader, one must know how and when to apply the many different styles and characteristics to each unique situation. Both men and women have unique qualities about them, but the ability to learn from the opposite gender will enhance ones leadership abilities. I believe that men and women can combine and adapt their unique styles of leadership to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses within the workplace. Regardless of gender, developing a leadership style is a difficult and challenging feat for all managers. In researching the many definitions of leadership, I have determined that leaders are defined as those who inspire workers and develop their skills and creativity to achieve goals. Of the many definitions I read, not one referred to male or female gender when defining a leader. Male or female gender shouldnt matter when it comes to determining an individuals ability to lead. The Human Resource Manager must ensure that they are concerned and aware of the gender differences and difficulties which must be dealt with in the business world. Indeed, gender does matter, especially since women have become a large percentage of the work force and are now moving up the corporate ladder into top level positions. Gender differences create many issues that Human Resource Managers must be able to prevent, mitigate, and/or resolve. Today’s Human Resource Management education programs have increased the ability of individuals to fill these vital management positions. In order for Human Resource Managers to accomplish this task, they must be aware of gender specific management styles, pay equity, promotion fairness, and work-life balance.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Situation Of Mcdonalds KFC

Situation Of Mcdonalds KFC McDonalds is one of the best international retailers in providing fast food services to its customers. Providing world class fast-food in more than 100 countries is the core idea of McDonalds. McDonalds provide its services in whole of the world. Mc Donalds are local and independent franchisee which is owned and operated globally. In the globally popular restaurant industry in approximately all the countries where it is operating its services McDonalds holds a major part of the share. COMPANY B : KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken is called as KFC. It is a fast food restaurant chain whose headquarteres is in Louisville, Kentucky, United States, which specializes in fried chicken and even in burgers and wraps. KFC secondz over Mcdonalds as an American icon, it is the the worlds largest fried chicken chain and the second largest restaurant chain, with over 17,000 outlets in 105 countries and territories. Founder of KFC is Harland Sanders, who began to sell fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky during the Great Depression. The pioneer of the restaurant Sanders is the one who brought in franchising concept, with the first Kentucky Fried Chicken, the franchise opening in Utah in the early 1950s. Its rapid development saw it grow too large for Sanders to handle, and he slowly sold the company to a group of investors. Even after that also Sanders image was still used for branding; Sanders had been made a Kentucky colonel after the success of his first restaurant, and he worked as a goodwill representative for the company until in a while before his death. KFC had mixed success in 1970s and 1980s at home as it went through a series of corporate owners who had little or no familiarity in the restaurant business, although it continued to expand in overseas markets. KFC was sold to the spirits firm Heublein in the early 1970s, who were taken over by the R.J. Reynolds corporation, who sold the chain to PepsiCo. PepsiCo transformed its restaurants division by also including Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, as Tricon Global Restaurants, which was later called as Yum! Brands. The chain primarily sells fried chicken pieces and variations such as wraps,chicken burgers and starters, as well French fries,coleslaw, desserts and other soft drinks, often supplied by PepsiCo. Its most famous product is fried chicken pieces, seasoned with Sanders 11 herbs and spices Original Recipe. The precise nature of these ingredients are unknown, and represent a remarkable trade secret has been kept on this delicious recipe. The famous slogan for KFC is finger lickin good, which has later been replaced by So good, and Nobody does chicken like KFC. China and US,its home country together contain around half of its outlets which are KFCs two major single markets. INTRODUCTION OF LEADERS COMPANY A: JIM SKINNER James Alan Skinner was born 1944 in Illinois. He is an American business executive. He was the Vice Chairman and CEO of McDonalds Corporation. Skinner began his career with McDonalds in 1971 as a restaurant manager trainee in Carpentersville, Illinois. Skinner graduated high school in 1962 at West High School in Davenport, Iowa,[2] he went on to start serving nearly ten years in the United States Navy, Skinner began his career with McDonalds as a restaurant manager trainee in Carpentersville, Illinois in 1971, and since then has held numerous leadership positions. He never graduated from college.[3] He started out like so many other teenagers, working as an entry-level crew person at the old McDonalds on Brady Street in Davenport.[4] Prior to becoming CEO, Skinner was President and Chief Operating Officer of the McDonalds Restaurant Group with corporate management responsibility for Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA), and Latin America. Prior to that, he was responsible for McDonald s Japan Limited, their second-largest market. Skinner held numerous positions in the U.S. Corporation, including Director of Field Operations, Market Manager, Regional Vice President and U.S. Senior Vice President and Zone Manager. LINK: COMPANY B: ROGER EATON Born in South Africa, Eaton moved to Australia in 1984.[2] Prior to becoming President and Chief Concept Officer of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), he was Senior Vice President/Managing Director of YUM! Restaurants International South Pacific from 2000 to 2008.[1] In April 2009, he appeared in an American commercial promoting the introduction of Kentucky Grilled Chicken to the KFC menu.[3] In May 2009, he appeared again in an American commercial to announce the ending of the free Kentucky Grilled Chicken that was promoted earlier. Due to overwhelming success, the company could not afford to honor the coupons, and Eaton had to announce later compensation for the coupons.[4] Roger Eaton became President of KFC Corporation in early 2008. Eaton is an international restaurant industry veteran and has been with Yum! Brands for 12 years. Prior to taking on the top job at KFC, Roger was Chief Operating and Development Officer for Yum! Since 2000, he has served as Senior Vice President/Managing Director of Yum! Restaurants International South Pacific (SOPAC). Earlier in his career, Eaton was Regional Operations Director of KFC SOPAC, General Manager of KFC New Zealand and Finance Director of KFC SOPAC. Under his leadership, SOPAC has had 27 consecutive quarters of profitable same store sales growth, as well as a consistent above target new restaurant builds. Roger Eaton serves as Yum! Chief Operations Officer, a position he has held since late 2011. Roger has also served as Chief Executive Officer of KFC U.S. after serving as President of KFC Corporation. Eaton is an international restaurant industry veteran and has been with Yum! Brands for 12 years. Prior to his roles at KFC U.S., Roger was Chief Operating and Development Officer for Yum! Brands. He has also served as Senior Vice President/Managing Director of Yum! Restaurants International South Pacific (SOPAC). Earlier in his career, Eaton was Regional Operations Director of KFC SOPAC, General Manager of KFC New Zealand and Finance Director of KFC SOPAC. Under his leadership, SOPAC had 27 consecutive quarters of profitable same store sales growth, as well as consistent above target new restaurant builds. CURRENT SITUATION OF THE COMPANYS COMPANY A: MCDONALDS first paragraph COMPANY B: KFC first paragraph meaning of a leader: A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal. LEADERSHIP IN COMPANY COMPANY A: MCDONALDS Truly a charismatic and transformational leader, many attribute McDonalds turn-around in the past few years to the efforts of Skinner; not only did he revitalize the organization, but he reinvented the fast food business with a new vision and direction (Hume, 2007). Early in the turn-around, he was one of the architects of the Plan to Win initiative which renewed McDonalds core focus of store operations. His election to the CEO post provided some stability and faith for the organization. Hume notes that one of the key elements to his success was his vast experience with overseas markets that gave him great diversity exposure which was crucial for the global corporation. This diversity has definitely helped giving McDonalds a competitive advantage, and was paramount in the global communication between employees and customers (Daft, 2008, p. 334). One of his noted achievements during his tenure in regards to leadership was fighting the McJob stigma; he made employees feel important and began to promote the various positions in a brighter light through advertising campaigns (Hume, 2007). In terms of Mr. Skinners philosophy, he is primarily focused on customer satisfaction. He believes that is necessary to first meet customer expectations and then focus on the restaurants themselves. The philosophy also includes keeping things simple and manageable for each store while making sure that everyone is aligned around that one idea. The idea is directed towards making a good appearance, caring about how the restaurant looks and how you present yourself. Another important aspect of his philosophy is the fear of complacency. Therefore, he encourages creativity, but also wants to make sure that people do not lose track of the chains primary objectives (Hume, 2007). Thus, there is a strong focus on coming up with good, creative strategies, and then putting the full effort into successful execution. For Mr. Skinner, a companywide initiative is always a must, and never a maybe. Skinner is also a man of values and ethics: When McDonalds was blamed for the obesity problem, he helpe d direct the company to take responsibility and help create a solution rather than pass the blame. Thus, Skinner can be seen as a moral leader and symbol of doing the right thing for McDonalds (Daft, 2008, p. 169). Finally, one of Skinners continuing main goals is talent management and leadership development (Hume, 2007). This involves critical tasks such as reorganizing individuals into different roles and identifying potential leaders to be awarded additional responsibility. While many of the Mr. Skinners values are not easily discernable on surface, his leadership was seen at the restaurants observed. The care regarding customer satisfaction was most obvious, employees were always polite and the restaurant was very clean. During some observations, employees were seen talking with regular customers beyond the normal service interactions, demonstrating some level of intimacy between them. In addition, almost all employees seemed well mannered and presented themselves well. There seemed to be a high level of morale, even with the more menial and custodial positions, which was unexpected in a fast food restaurant. In many of the locations visited, there were employee recruitment signs on the door that listed benefits; however, the application process was online. While more efficient, perhaps a stronger focus on in-person recruitment would help improving morale and result in more applications. Improving Employee Effectiveness One may initially believe that there is not really much that can or even needs to be done in order to improve efficiency in McDonalds restaurants; however, good leadership involves constantly reinforcing a brighter vision of the future and increasing value for both customers and employees. An employee should not think that just because they cook fries or flip burgers, that they cannot make a difference. Rather, by encouraging creativity and leadership even at this lowest level, the next great executive may emerge. It is important to turn each restaurants employee into a productive team member. In order to increase productivity and employee commitment, we propose several measures. The first measure would be to create a program to encourage creativity among restaurant managers, owners, and operators. In fact, the iconic Ronald McDonald was not developed by Ray Kroc or anyone at corporate, but by the owner of a local franchise (Walker Scott). Rewards should be available for coming up w ith new ideas at the restaurant level. As owners and managers are the ones who are actively involved with the day-to-day operations, they have a greater vantage point for implementing successful changes. In order for such a program to be successful, there must first be some educational programs like workshops. At the regional level, managers and owners can be brought together and taught about creative ideas. This will encourage thinking outside of the box, and furthermore can introduce individuals to the practice of creative swiping, which is a process of copying the best ideas whether they be from within your industry or from completely unrelated fields (Peters, 1987). After properly motivating the owners and managers, there should be a trickledown effect to the restaurants employees. In addition to the trickledown effect of targeting the managers, we would take steps to directly motivate individual employees as well. On this front, one of the first steps is to truly understand each and every employee. Some employees may only be working at McDonalds temporarily, but for others this may be the only available job opportunity. For such individuals, they want to maximize their job satisfaction. We would implement a program similar to those in large corporations where employees are able to set specific goals and explain their rationale for working at McDonalds and what they expect from their employment. This process would show employees that they can do more than flip burgers, for example develop leadership and management skills which can be invaluable regardless of future career plans. Managers and/or owners would apply Vrooms Expectancy Theory in this case; the attention and treatment of each employee should be personalized (Daft, 2008, p. 235). Managers would theref ore develop a plan with each employee to increase his intrinsic satisfaction, while at the same time increasing that employees productivity. Building on our focus on individuals, we would also implement a scholarship and education program. We want our employees to represent us well within our restaurants and throughout the world. We would offer high school and college aged employees a greater number of college scholarship opportunities in return for quality work and demonstration of leadership potential. Younger workers are often harder to motivate directly, but the opportunity to have someone else paying for your education is always a great motivator. The program would reward quality work such as customer service and punctuality, as well as creativity and the ability to dream like a leader. Employees must be sponsored by a manager or owner and would have to write an essay answering a question that instigates them to think creatively about how we as a corporation could improve. This would motivate even the youngest and most inexperienced ones. In fact, this could create an upstream effect on the whole restaurant or corpor ation, increase team cohesiveness and help encouraging those who are older or in higher positions to also think about making the entire organization better (Daft, 2008, p. 239). The winners would make a positive impact on the organization and earn the extrinsic reward of a scholarship. In subsequent years, this would encourage other young employees to also pursue this opportunity, be a first-class worker and think creatively about the organization. COMPANY B: KFC